This week in Reading…
- Story: “Tara and Tiree”
- Phonics Skill: r-controlled ar, or, ore
- Comprehension Skill: Sequence
- Comprehension Strategy: Predict
- Vocabulary Words: collar, slipped, brave
- Academic Vocabulary: make connections, background knowledge
Word Sort
part more chore
hard smart score
born farm cardinal
horse porch therefore
before corn morning
Homework: In the spiral homework journal, sort the spelling words by the following pattern: ar, or, ore
Grammar Skill: Nouns
Grammar Homework: The sheet in the homework divider of the O.C.E.A.N. binder is due Thursday and counts as part of your child’s grade.
This week in Math…
o Skill: Patterns
o Timed Test: There will be a subtraction timed test Thursday; only tests with asterisks will be counted as a grade.
o Homework: Please complete the math page found in the homework divider of the O.C.E.A.N. binder. It is DUE BY FRIDAY and counts as part of your child’s grade.